Bell County Texas Health Department: County Wide Vaccine Availabilty
Since Bell County is providing widespread availability Adventhealth Central Texas hospital is No longer offering the Vaccine, they are providing the second dose of the vaccine if they administered your first dose.
State of Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Availability: type in zip code on map | Google Maps can search for covid-19 vaccines in any ZIP CODE.
VA Administration Central Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Available at Temple Texas location.
The Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center/Fort Hood announced it is moving its COVID-19 vaccination clinic to Abrams Gym and starting Feb 8. The gym is located in building 23001, on 62nd Street. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (closed on weekends and federal holidays) Beneficiaries looking to get vaccinated are asked to bring a valid DoD ID card and are encouraged to complete necessary paperwork beforehand to minimize wait times. That can be found on the DARNALL hospital website.